New Super-centenarian reported on in the news.

Monday, September 1, 2014
127 Year Old Leandra Becerra Lumbreras is Oldest Person Alive (According to Main Stream Media).
New Super-centenarian reported on in the news.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Current Status of Book 1
The work on the second half of Book 1 continues slowly but it does progress towards completion. A few more chapters have been completed for editing.
Book 1 - Part 1 has been released in eBook format!
The first half of my book "Secrets of an Immortal - An Eyewitness Account of 2,800 Years of History" which is "Book 1" of the "Secret of an Immortal" book series is now available in eBook format.
Everyone who has prepaid for Book 1 is entitled to a free copy of this eBook. Please respond to this email if you want a copy and have not received yours.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Happy Groundhogs Day!
I finally got something ready to publish: Book 1 - Part 1
Everyone who has pre-purchased the first book is entitled a free copy of this book in electronic form.
Now on to get Part 2 and the rest of the book released!
Blessings everyone!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
September / October 2012 Book Update
Thank you again for your continued patience.
Ben Abba
Friday, June 8, 2012
Positive Attitude Linked to Living Longer
"The results indicated they had two things -- a positive attitude for life, meaning they are optimistic, easygoing, extraverted, laughed more and expressed emotions rather than bottling them up," said Dr. Nil Barzilai, a study co-author and director of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine's Institute for Aging Research.
This is similar to some of my research on longevity:
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Book Project Status Update Released
*** Update *** a book status was sent out to all buyers who have purchased the book. If you did not receive the email, please contact me via eamil or by this blog.
Thank you!
Ben Abba
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Thanksgiving Interview
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Book Status Update
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Can a blood test really tell you when you'll die?
Monday, September 12, 2011
Major Book Status Update
Book 1 - Current Status
First of all I want to give everyone my deepest apologies for the terribly long delay in getting you a copy of this book.
Since my last update, I ran into some personal issues, along with my editors, which have caused delays in getting the book editing done.
Right now, we have about 2/3rds of Book 1 ready to release; with an ongoing full court press in getting the remaining chapters in Book 1 done a.s.a.p.
By now, all of you should have received a free copy of my first book "Wake Up ... Moments of Inspiration". If you have not please contact us right away.
If you have requested Chapters 1 & 2 in electronic Adobe PDF format, you should have received them by now as well. If you have not received them, you are still welcome to request these chapters via email.
Free Gifts
In appreciation of your continued patience, I will now be adding another free gift which you will receive as part of your order.
As part of your pre-release order of the hardcopy version of "Secrets of an Immortal - An Eyewitness Account of 2,800 Years of History", you will now be receiving the electronic version (in Adobe PDF format) of Book 2 when it becomes ready. Books 2 through 4 were partially written when the first version of Book 1 was written. Like Book 1, it will have to be revised and edited before it will be released. Therefore Book 2 should be following shortly after Book 1 is finally released.
This new gift is an addition to the previously mentioned free gifts you will be receiving for pre-ordering Book 1 which include: (1) Book 1 in electronic format (Adobe PDF), (2) an Audio CD of select podcasts about the Secrets of an Immortal book series, (3) a Data CD of select eBooks which related to Book 1, (4) a copy of "Wake Up Moments of Inspiration", and Chapters 1 & 2 from Book 1 in electronic format.
p.s. the radio interview scheduled today on BlogTalkRadio had been rescheduled to a later date.